My name is William Marsh, I am 13 years old and play the bass trombone at Lanier Middle School, I have wanted to go on this trip for a long time and now have the chance. I will be attending Lamar High School in the IB program starting this fall. I am a Boy Scout with the rank Star and hope to achieve my Eagle Scout rank by the time I am 15. I am going because when you see things about poverty and disaster on the news, you never think that one of those people in the pictures giving aid could be you, but I look at those pictures and see opportunity, the opportunity to do God's work for God's people,and have jumped upon it.
The Rev. Jim McGill is a cradle Episcopalian who became involved in mission work to Honduras in 1992 shortly after he graduated from seminary. He believes that working with our friends in Central America is mutually beneficial materially and spiritually. He enjoys learning new ways of sharing the Gospel from his Honduran friends through the grace filled lives of those who live and worship in that culture. God reaches our lives through their lives, and God reaches their lives through the work and service joyfully carried out by our mission teams.
Laura Merkh, a Registered Nurse from Dallas, will be starting a Pediatric Nurse Practitioner program at the University of Pennsylvania in the fall. This will be her second foreign mission trip (the first was to Mexico City with Mission Waco). She is looking forward to being part of this trip because it combines two of her passions - missions and medicine. She has always wanted to participate in a trip like this, and she is so excited that she finally have the opportunity to do so. Laura served as an intern for the Cathedral Urban Service Experience (CUSE) program in the summer of 2007.
Rose Farrar - Junior (Class of 2012) I've really loved my experience on this trip. This will be my fourth year going to Honduras and my connections with the community of Fe y Alegria are why I keep coming back. This year I hope our team to bring tools and experience to help heal the people of Fey y Algeria but more importantly the openness to the presence of God in each other and in the people of Fe y Alegria.
Clark Bullington - Junior (Class of 2012) I really enjoyed my first experience with this trip in 2010, and I want to continue to help the people of Fe y Alegria. Improving health conditions within a community has a huge impact on the everyday lives of people.
Eileen O'Brien is the Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministries at Christ Church Cathedral and a Postulant for ordained ministry. This will be her 6th trip to the community of Fe y Alegria with the Cathedral, and she is constantly amazed by how this ministry of companionship between communities has grown and changed over the past 5 years.