Each stockholder makes our mission possible by holding our team in prayer and contributing to our efforts through donations of medical and educational supplies, equipment or money. Each one helps us spread God's transforming love.
Robbie Kane Ben Ramsey Michael McEnany Mike McEnany Kevin Badgett
Stuart Buchanan Andre Jackson Doug Hoffman James Grace Jim McGill
Terry Russell Austin Skaggs Walker Taylor Joe Reynolds Bob Cossum Pete Kirk
Earl Nibert Tom Langford John Jakubik Rick Carnes George Guerrero
Sonny Saldizar Dr. Anduhar Dr. Dang Richard and Rosamund Quay Mary Worrell
Truitt Halmark Rob and Judy Mood John and Margot Cater The Sandeen Family
The Curtis Family Nan Morris Steve Alley Billy and Patty Turney John Hankey
Kathy Jackson The Eisner Family